For over 130 years, Sol Levinson & Bros. has served Baltimore’s Jewish community, committing time and resources to programs and projects that directly affect our community. Levinson’s knows that giving back to those less fortunate is our duty and responsibility.
Part of the Community
For over 130 years, Sol Levinson & Bros. has served Baltimore’s Jewish community, committing time and resources to programs and projects that directly affect our community. Levinson’s knows that giving back to those less fortunate is our duty and responsibility.
We are a staff of over 50 full time and part time employees, living in your neighborhoods, active in several synagogues, and members of many different organizations with ties to the Jewish Community. Our children have grown up together, and our family knows your family, and we take part in many activities organized by the funeral home, and individually.
"It was so wonderful to see the looks on our residents faces as they received these bags."
-Womens Housing Coalition, Blessing Bag recipients
"Spending time with my granchildren participating in outreach programs is wonderful - they learn the importance of giving back, and supporting one another. Thank you for this opportunity."
"It's so comforting to get to know the people that take care of your family during the tough times - you don't feel like your dealing with strangers; you're being cared for by friends and neighbors."
"I can tell the staff really gets along by their interactions with one another at community events. It's refreshing to see that kind of comradery among coworkers and family."
"Levinson's provides a great service to the community with programs targeting real-life issues."
*Restricted - operating out of Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc.