This age group can have a difficult time understanding the finality of death. Also, due to their age, they may be prone to fantastical thinking, such as that someone can come back to life or that they did something to make them die. Their feelings will often be expressed through their play. Although they may not fully grasp death’s permanence, they do tend to understand separation and he/she will not see the person again. Kids in the age range need reassurance that they are safe and protected by their loved ones. Ways to help a grieving preschooler are:
-make sure they know they are safe
-keep normal routines going as much as possible
-make sure they know that it is alright to be sad and that you know that they are sad
-try to get them to use words to express their feelings
-be with them as much as possible
-allow them to ask as many questions as they need to and provide honest answers
-be calm around them
-provide physical contact to comfort them
-speak about death as natural part of life
-provide items to make them feel comfortable
-encourage them to play as they wish